Friends of Recovery – New York provides a variety of programs and services designed to assist communities throughout the state in building support for long-term recovery at the local level.
Recovery Organizations
We provide counsel and technical support to existing Recovery Community Organizations (RCOs), Recovery Community Outreach Centers (RCOCs) and Youth Clubhouses (YCHs), and help create and grow others where none yet exist. As a long-time member of the Association of Recovery Community Organizations (ARCO), FOR-NY collaborates with the RCO community nationwide to pass best practices along to New York’s Recovery community.
Forums and Workshops
We facilitate community listening forums to help individuals, families and other recovery allies share their needs and concerns with each other, with their community leaders and with their elected officials. We conduct and promote training sessions and workshops for both clinicians and the general public. These include the Recovery Coach Academy, Supervision of Recovery Coaches, Science of Addiction & Recovery and Our Stories Have Power.
Stories of Recovery
Personal stories of recovery have been shown to inspire individuals and family members who often identify with the experiences of others who struggle with addiction. A significant feature of 12-step programs since the beginning, recovery stories are now being shared more widely on the web, in memoirs, at recovery rallies, etc. This wider accessibility increases the chances they’ll reach those who need to hear them most. Read some of the stories shared by some terrific friends of recovery from throughout New York State, and while you’re there, find out how to submit your own story.Read Stories of Recovery